Celebrating Four Years!

At Track15, we can always find a reason to be grateful. We are grateful when we welcome new clients and newborns into our family. We are grateful when we reach fundraising goals, like when a client reaches their match on North Texas Giving Day, or when we attain a personal goal, like when Andrew runs in the Dallas Marathon. We are grateful for the big wins like on-boarding our 30th client and we are grateful for small wins like...making it through a Tuesday.

So when we celebrated our 4 year anniversary in October, we felt a tremendous amount of gratitude not only for our friends and family who helped get us to this milestone, but also for all of our clients who believed that we could bring trust and excitement to their organization. When we took a step back to reflect on what we and our clients have accomplished in the last 4 years. The numbers astounded us. Here’s a snapshot:

Major Donor and Moves Management 

We have helped our clients identify and determine a personalized, strategic outreach for major donors and major donor prospects. Together, our clients made contact with thousands of donors, securing current and future gifts. 

Data Work

We have cleaned up and organized all of our past and current clients Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools. We have also implemented three new customized CRMs and helped our clients put best practices into place for data management. 

While we take pride in reaching more nonprofits and creating a larger impact each and every day, what really motivates us is the stories we hear from our clients, the memories we’ve made, and the family and friendships we’ve grown. 

We sincerely thank our past and present clients for helping us get to where we are today. You make our work enjoyable and worthwhile, and we thank you for helping us build trust and excitement with your organization. In this season of Thanksgiving we want to thank you for being a part of our growing family. 

Here’s to the next 4 years!